Painters & Decorators in Cambridge
Quality Service is Our Guarantee
We’re professional Painters & Decorators with almost 20 years experience serving Cambridge and Surrounding areas.
Our established and fully insured small company has been built with client satisfaction at the forefront of everything we do.
Residential Painting & Decorating
Commercial Painting and Decorating
Home Improvement Services
Guaranteed Work & Friendly Service
Whether you require the painting and decorating of a small or large residential home, commercial office, a retail outlet, or an industrial unit, we are the perfect choice.
Our highly skilled decorators will bring a new lease of life to your properties by achieving a professional look that will not only impress your visitors but also add real value to your property or home.
We offer a wide scope of services that can be tailored to most requirements and our success has been based on rigorous quality control and attention to detail, so you can be confident that you will be working with one of the best painters and decorators in Cambridge.
We plan every project around your needs, your time frame and working hours, aiming to cause as little disruption to your home life or business and as customer service before and after project completion is so important to us, our dedicated team will leave you a very happy customer.
We are City & Guilds qualified so rest assured that your project will be undertaken by people with Professional Painting Skills.
Client Feedback
Mr Bellamy
Mr Baxter
Mr Musa
Mrs Cooper
Benefits of working with us
We are well known for the high quality of our work and the excellent customer service that our decorators provide. The rate of repeat business that we receive (references available) is a testament to the quality of work.